Monday, November 15, 2010

By far the coolest thing ever.....

In my quest for things to lull my wee man to sleep in his own bed, I came across these truly awesome lullaby albums. They are baby versions of classic adult-ish music like Pink Floyd and Nirvana. I am so in love with these. I found them on my Zune Marketplace, but I'm sure they're on iTunes too. And they have a website,

The Beatles
The Cure

Pink Floyd

Bob Marley



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do Chastity Belts Come in Size XS?

I realize that at some point my girls will discover that boys are not really the stinky, cootie-ridden worm-eating creatures that I raised them to believe they were. I just didn't expect that point to come so, like....soon.

I was a good 7 or 8 years old before I had my first crush. It was Paul McCartney. I was pining over a very handsome doe-eyed 20-something Paul, when in fact he was actually closer to 50 at that time. Then came New Kids On The Block, and Jordan Knight took Paul's place. Then Eddie Furlong, and so on and so forth.

So the other night my girls were telling me about meeting grandma's neighbors that live across the field. My 6 year old got this glazed-over look in her eyes as she told me about the boy. "He's 6 like me. And he's got yellow hair like me. And he drives a tractor. Sigh...."

Oh, great.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I've Created a Monster

Right after having my third, and last, child, I sorta went through this "Oh, crap. The baby factory is closed for good." phase and never, ever, ever, ever put that kid down. I mean, not even for like 5 seconds to chase my Valium with a good cold shot of Smirnoff. Just kidding...kind of.

I ate with him, I folded laundry with him, I showered with him, I watched Real Housewives of Atlanta with him. And, the biggest mistake, I let him sleep with me in our bed. Snuggled next to me like a little baby koala, hugging my forearm, drooling on my jammies. And this is why I now have a completely dependent 7 month old who refuses to sleep anywhere other than right next to me. I mean, it was sweet when he was the size of a Glow Worm and didn't take up much room. Now he's this beefy little bed hog who throws his elbow into my ribs if I get in his way.

I've tried everything. I've read all the gurus websites. He hates binkies, he refuses to latch on to any sort of replacement for "me". I went and got one of those nifty singing lullaby light-up thingamajigs that hangs on his crib at Born Again, but that doesn't even stop his blood-curdling crying that loosely translates to "What's going on here? Where the hell is my mom?!"

If there is anyone out there who has some sort of insight into this?

Sleepless in the Valley